
Sep 04, 2024

Part 5: Equipment Selection

You can generally look to a few electrical specifications of the selected chargers to appropriately size the required switchgear. A good place to start is to figure out the required circuit breaker sizes to be included in the switchgear. You will need to figure out what you need for both the individual branch circuit breakers for each charger and the main circuit breaker.

Jul 16, 2024

Key Components of DC Fast Charging Stations

People new to the Electric Vehicle (EV) industry may find the DC fast charging ecosystem complex. Let's examine the required equipment, utility infrastructure, and the process of charging an EV with a DC fast charger.

May 15, 2024

Part 4: The Fundamentals of EV Charging

Charging an electric vehicle (EV) is a complex interaction involving sophisticated site infrastructure and advanced vehicle systems. This process requires a seamless communication exchange between the EV and the charger to optimize charging parameters such as speed and energy transfer.

Apr 23, 2024

Electrical Basics: Part 3

A circuit breaker is an electrical safety device designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overcurrent conditions.

Apr 09, 2024

Electrical Basics: Part 2

To charge their batteries, EVs need to connect to a power source that can deliver a certain amount of energy over a certain period of time. But what is the difference between power and energy, and why does it matter for EV charging?

Mar 19, 2024

Electrical Basics: Part 1

With so many new EV charging business development opportunities, the EV infrastructure industry is seeing an explosion in the growth of new people entering the space. However, the ecosystem of EV fast charging sites can be complex and overwhelming to understand for those new to it.